how can you stop thinking/dreaming about a boy?!!?

2011-08-13 6:54 pm
right so... a couple of months ago i did this exchange and i had a girl exchange and whilst i was there at her school i met this boy... my partner introduced us because he told her he thought i was beautiful. so he asked if i had facebook and he added me.. at the time two other girls that were friends with my partner liked him so i thought, "nothing could ever happen here". but since ive got home we still havent lost touch untill about a week ago he seems to have lost interest but i don't want to look desperate so we just haven't spoke... i highly doubt i will see him again and a relationship between just (in my opinion) would never happen. he did say he had feelings for me and if we lived closer it could happen but we live 700 miles apart. i think about him way too much and i am just going to be depressed if i become any more attached to him! especially because i am starting my final year of high school with lots of exams.. i even have regular dreams about him!in most of them we end up kissing or him saying "i love you". do you think i should try to stop thinking about him?! what should i do? the only contact we have is over facebook.. and he always avoids going on video call.. help? thank you.

回答 (3)

2011-08-14 5:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
It sounds as if he's avoiding an attachment that he believes you cannot sustain -- as if he's also attracted very much to you, but can't afford to lose his heart this way. It's also possible that he simply sees your obsession, and is doing what he thinks is best for you.

This isn't easy, as you know. Do realize that your feelings are valid, although it seems that you've allowed yourself to go a bit overboard for the amount of time you actually had with him. This is a prime infatuation. Of course, giving it an accurate label doesn't mean it's a bad thing -- just that you need to figure out how to handle it.

It's likely that you're stuck on this guy because, at your short acquaintance, he matches a lot of the characteristics you have decided (consciously or not) that you'd like in a boyfriend. If anything, this makes your feelings *more* valid assuming my guess is correct). In this case, one way to handle your situation is to make a list of the things you like about him. Then, go down the list, and mark how sure you are that he really *does* have each of those qualities.

This does several things:
(1) You start paying rational attention to what you want in a guy.
(2) You learn to critically evaluate whether a guy really matches this, or whether you're letting your hormones run away with you.
(3) You begin the process of detaching from this guy just a little bit.

By the way, you'll notice the grown-ups around you failing on this critical thinking process as the 2012 election approaches. It seems that only about 1/3 of the voters really know what their candidate *says* he stands for.

Also, I suggest that you should *not* totally "get over" this guy. Go through the process above. Note that one stellar quality is that the guy has to "be there" for you, *both* emotionally and physically. Your crush simply cannot be here physically, and he's backing off emotionally. Start keeping a lookout for someone like him, but with a better match for some of the places your crush falls down. Use this to focus and grow in your romantic search.

IT is possible to keep warm feelings through a lifetime. Two of my cherished friends are the first girl I dated in high school, and my first college love. I dated Jae over 40 years ago, but I still see the qualities she has that attracted me in the first place. There's no threat to my marriage, but I'm glad I didn't bury those feelings in some remote corner of my heart. Instead, I learned to adjust what I needed, continued that through college, and finally found the woman I married.

Of course, I was a bit of an emotional wreck for a few weeks, but that happens ... I got better, and I learned how to heal.
2016-09-18 10:05 am
the man I like doesent like me. toddler, as a comic story: he requested me out. I stated sure after which 10 mins later he broke up with me. he texted me the night time later and stated it used to be a dare from Liam ( his pal). he stated that I wasent scorching I used to be lovely however he's leaving this yr so I may not see him once more. he is simply too candy! however attempt to omit approximately it. over the years it is going to occur. I nearly am over him
2011-08-13 6:56 pm
Think about another boy or slap yourself in the face when you think of him.

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