有關avogadro constant的量度方法

2011-08-13 10:10 am
從定義上, 1mole的原子數目有 12g carbon-12咁多粒, 即係有 6.02*10^23 (avogadro constant)

但我最費解的係, 從前的科學家係如何得知/量度
1. 12g carbon-12有 6.02*10^23 咁多粒, 點樣數出來?
2. 電子, 中子, 質子的實際質量, 佢地輕得咁緊要, 實際的重量係如何量度呢??

回答 (1)

2011-08-14 11:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Avogadro's number was NOT measured by Avogadro himself. It is measured by Jean Perrin in 1909. Perrin proposed to naming theconstant in honour of Avogardo. You could refer to the first paragraph on the following web-page:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avogadro_constant2. Electron mass was first measured by J.J. Thomason in 1897. Proton mass was first measured by Ernest Rutherford in 1917. Neutron mass was first measured by Chadwick in 1932. You could easily find their works by a search on the web.

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