
2011-08-13 8:10 am
將以下翻譯成英文:1. 我每逢週六、日不用上班。2. 你每星期哪幾天要上班(對方會答:逢週一至週五)3. 我喜歡做運動來放鬆自己。
將以下所說明的句子以英文表達:1. 有一張發票(invoice)於6月30日付費,其付費內容是5月20日至5月19日之牌照費用(licience fee),英文應如何表達,盡可能簡短。2. 「here is the report for May2011-Dec2011」我相信這句沒有問題,但如何口述/完整寫出這個句子英文應如何表達。「Here is the report for from May2011 to Dec2011」,怪怪的。

回答 (4)

2011-08-13 6:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 我每逢週六、日不用上班。 I don't work on Saturdays and Sundays.2. 你每星期哪幾天要上班(對方會答:逢週一至週五) Which days in a week do you go to work?3. 我喜歡做運動來放鬆自己。 I like doing exercise to relax myself.將以下所說明的句子以英文表達:1. 有一張發票(invoice)於6月30日付費,其付費內容是5月20日至5月19日之牌照費用(licience fee),英文應如何表達,盡可能簡短。There is an invoice payable by (on or before) 30th June, being the licence fee for the period from 20th May to 19th May (next year).
2. 「Here is the report for the period from May2011 to Dec2011」
2011-08-14 3:13 am


2011-08-13 5:23 pm
1. The invoice payment/The bill is due on 30 June. It's licience fee for 19th-20th May. 2. This is the May-Dec 2011 report/Here is the May-Dec 2011 report.

2011-08-13 09:58:20 補充:
發問者: 現時是8月份, 何以該份報告月份是5月至12月?另外牌照費是5月19日至20日,不是12 個月嗎?

2011-08-13 11:57:09 補充:
ginger2011 : 您所譯的最後兩句太長了, 發問者要求簡單的句子!
2011-08-13 9:45 am
I am free on weekends, I'm free on satuardays and Sundays/// do u need to work on working days?/// I prefer doing exercise to relax myself when I'm free or stressful/// there is an invoice about paying on or before 30th June and theother note is about the licience fee from 20th may to 19th may/// here's the report from may to December is ok ga la. Hope I can help you^^
參考: Me

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