
2011-08-12 8:00 pm


回答 (3)

2011-08-12 11:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The answer is yes.

Both Bank of East Asia and HSBC has international personal banking units to help customers.

But please remember:

1. They are not necessary free service (they may be deposit-dependent)

2. Branch can't help you at all.
2011-08-12 8:37 pm
好心你啦。你都5係香港,又無交稅俾香港政府,你仲有面去要個$6000. $又無貢獻俾香港政府,卻還要貪婪香港政府既$6000!你真係太太太有心啦。

你係5係都要本人返去先開到戶口架啦。美國嘅匯豐銀行/東亞銀行只係幫你免費換港幣,寄錢返港,係香港可以提取現金 (Just like a credit card that can be used internationally, except it's your debit card)。並不是你認爲的美國香港戶口通用。

You still have to return to HK to open an account personally, there's no short cut/other way out. So you can go back and open an account and get that $6000, but is it worth the price of the air ticket and/or all the hassle?

Unless you are going back for a holiday anyway, it's a bad "investment"/decision. That's why a lot of overseas HKers aren't willing to spend the $ to get back just to get that $6000. Do not cover costs and so not worth the trip ($6000左手入右手出,到頭來都係無個$6000).

And I think that's why HK Gov allows overseas HKers to get the $6000 --> "tourism" to boost HK economy. But again, that's just overseas HKers who can think in economical sense/ financial gain, some people like yourself just think in terms of GREED.

2011-08-12 17:56:30 補充:
Are you sure Gary? 1 of my friends went to HSBC (for the same reason) to ask and they said they don't provide this particular service (global/interchangeable accounts) because they are basically branches. Even Asia and Europe sub-groups under the same company operate under different policies.

2011-08-12 17:58:53 補充:
And JIMY, your email was illegible, it was all: ??????????
2011-08-12 8:14 pm
參考: 新聞

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