whats ur goal in life?

2011-08-11 8:37 pm

回答 (18)

2011-08-11 8:39 pm
To live according to Allah and to bring happiness to those I love :)
2011-08-11 8:42 pm
to be financially strong and want to do many charity works
參考: dg
2011-08-11 8:39 pm
Too young to know right now. Just wanna be successful and be financially stable
2011-08-11 8:39 pm
To get my crush to go out with me
2011-08-11 8:38 pm
To answer this wonderful question

2011-08-11 8:42 pm
to glorify God and obey my parents:)
2011-08-11 8:49 pm
To fall in love<3
2011-08-11 8:44 pm
To avoid pain, premature disablity & death.
2011-08-11 8:40 pm
to have a goal
2011-08-11 8:39 pm
to play the guitar
sing (i sing really good, but...idk i just want singing lessons)
2011-08-11 8:44 pm
to live happily ever after!
2011-08-11 8:43 pm
Be rich.
2011-08-11 8:41 pm
to be happy
2011-08-11 8:41 pm
graduate highschool, go to college (to become a coreographer/dancer/actress) they marry my crush! <33
2011-08-11 8:40 pm
To reach level 7 on Yahoo Answers...then i can die.
2011-08-11 8:39 pm
to be rich.
2011-08-11 8:39 pm
:D Be number one in my School
2011-08-11 8:39 pm
Win the WSOP main event

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