問題也差不多問完了 ( gasA | water column| gasB )<---tube
最後一條係: the figure show a closed glass tube of uniform width,a water column is injected into the tube such that the gas inside the tube is divided into two parts A and B of volume ratio 1:2,if both parts A and B are heated to the same temperature,how does the position of water column change?(assume fiction is negligible and volume of water is constant)
答案係remains at the same position. 點解唔係move towards left/right同埋cannot be determined??
( gasA | water column| gasB )<---tube GASB應該比GAS A 大一倍
我認為答案係C 因為 V大左兩倍 P會變少2倍 另一邊 V一樣 P無變 P唔同=FORCE ACTING ON THE AREA唔同 FORCE唔同自然有MOVEMENT架WOW~
我假設:GAS A應該係: PV/T GASB: (P/2)乘(V乘2)/T T唔變 GASB PREESURE少左一倍 咁GAS A 就會"頂"走GAS B
答案C係=move to right B係=move to left A係remain same position D:cannot be determined