
2011-08-11 9:14 am
A merchant buys some toys at $960. If he sells them at $8 each, he will get his sum of money back by selling only 80% of them. If he sells all of them, find the profit percentage.


回答 (1)

2011-08-11 3:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Let the quantity of toys = x, that is cost of these toys = $960.
80% of them = 0.8x, if selling at $8 each, value = (0.8x)($8) = $6.4x
That is $960 = $6.4x
x = 960/6.4 = 150.
If selling all 150 pcs, total value = (150)($8) = $1200
Therefore, % profit = (1200 - 960)/960 x 100% = 25%.

2011-08-11 07:03:42 補充:
Note : % profit is NOT 100% - 80% = 20%.

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