Is Hong Kong disneyland any good?

2011-08-10 6:35 pm
Is it worth the visit?

回答 (1)

2011-08-11 11:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hong Kong Disneyland although small, but the show in the park are very great!
Like The Festival of The Lion King, The golden Mickey's .
If you'll visit Hong Kong , I suggest you to visit later 7th November, the new Toy Story Land will open!

But If you want to visit Hong Kong, I suggest you to visit in Christmas, Halloween (but not First week of October),March , April ,May , June. and november~!

Because if you visit hong kong in Summer Holiday , First week of October, and
February. you will see a lot of rude mainland Chinese, they'll cut-in your lines, Stool under the trees.... speak loudly.., trust me , they will makes you unhappy!

If you see the rude people in Hong Kong , 95% are mainlanders!!
參考: Hong Kong resident,Me

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