I want to be a chiropractor, but people seem against it?

2011-08-10 6:03 pm
I love alternate medicine so please don't say that it's bad because it's not mainstream. What are the problems with it? People say that it hasn't been proven to have long term benefits, but at the same time it hasn't been proven to be dangerous to health.

I'd be good, go to a good school so I would be under the good chiropractors. I've read that some chiros have done wonders for people.

I just did Chiropractic work experience with humans and horses. Horses don't have the placebo effect that humans do, and the horses after the treatment were amazing, so relaxed and happy - and that is the complete truth.

So please explain to me the problem people have with it? I'll be adding additional details after some answers in reply :)

Ah. Just been looking at some other answers and some people seem to go against ANY alternate medicine, if you go against it then why answer the questions under ALTERNATE MEDICINE?!


Nitram: I respect your answer. But I'm still sticking by chiro. The side effects of chiro mainly are tiredness and soreness - similar to the day after a heavy workout. The chances of a stroke are extremely rare, and medicine like painkillers are more likely to cause more worse effects. For example, my mum took beta blockers for her migraine. She had terrible night terrors, including sleepwalking and knocking herself out. A chiro relieved her headaches slowly but surely and she sleeps very peacefully. I understand why people don't trust it, but the same people shouldn't then trust medicines because they can have side effects. Oh, and I used bach flower remedie for my cats when they were feral, it worked wonders. I respect people who don't believe in Alternative medicine, but i have seen to many incredible stories (saving lives etc) to give up on it.

回答 (8)

2011-08-10 7:24 pm
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I am not sure what would have people against it. I use it because I know when I was 24, I didn't want to be like the 35 years olds who had back problems and lack of flexibility when playing volleyball.

I have been using a chiropractor, regularly, since 1999. I am 35, and I can still do spinning jump kicks in Tae Kwon Do and I am not like those 35 year olds who had trouble with volleyball.

At the same time, I don't recommend that someone use chiropractic as a substitute for their traditional care.

I also know that chiropractors do have more of a willingness to try out different alternative therapies. Mine used low level laser therapy to help an incision heal faster. The low level laser therapy is not mainstream yet.

He also recommended me to some internal medicine doctor who is very good.

There are some quacks out there; however, that doesn't make every chiropractor a quack. There are good and bad chiropractors just like there are good and bad doctors.
2011-08-10 7:29 pm
chiroworks, I Was working heavy construction for 27 years and saw my dc once or twice weekly. the people who claim placebo are those who read other peoples biased opinions rather than experience it first hand. after I broke my back the md's told me I'd never do heavy work again, well they were wrong, I continued for 23 years, of course according to the experts it was all "placebo" rofl.
參考: real experience not lab work
2011-08-10 6:05 pm
i know several chiropractors that do very well
2011-08-10 6:35 pm
Oh boy.

Don't forget there is medicine and then there is the alternative to medicine.

"it hasn't been proven to be dangerous to health." Yes it has in many cases, sometimes because it's directly harmful, other times because it delays getting real treatment leading to death.

Are you a troll?

"Horses don't have the placebo effect that humans do"

Wrong again. So, want to go for the full house now? Why not take up homeopathy just to cap it all out.

It has been proven in the highest court in the country that chiropractors peddle treatments for which there is not a jot of evidence for their efficacy. When the British Chiropractic Association took Singh to court they stated publicly they had a plethora of evidence for the efficacy. Singh said "produce it in court". No evidence was forthcoming, and I do mean none. The BCA ordered all it's members to pull advertising material, stop making false claims on their websites and over 25% of all chiropractors were invested by statutory consumer protection groups for illegal practices.

It really does nothing, and the entire world has seen this.


All you have seen is anecdotal and placebo.

The ONLY evidence for chiropractic is lower back pain for which it matches conventional medicine - probably no effect at all for either. If you want to go and waste your life conning people who am I to tell you not to? I couldn't do it or I'd be rich by now.

To answer your other question (by PM) a Physical Therapist (Physiotherapist) is a medically qualified occupation if you have the ability and want to enter medicine in this kind of field then at least you'd be doing good and not scamming sick people with bogus treatments for which there is not a jot of evidence.

No alternative medicine has ever saved a life. It's not up to me to produce evidence it doesn't work, it's up to them to produce evidence it does. seeing as the BCA couldn't produce any to the Supreme Court and it cost them $500,000 one has to assume it doesn't exist.
2011-08-10 8:25 pm
they're ignorant and prejudiced. nitrous is flat out lying...again. don't worry about what the ignorami tell you, their opinions are worthless. to be a real chiropractor, you must first understand that it is about the correction of nerve interference, and that this originates in the upper cervical area, once you learn how to assess this and correct it, you will get results that make medical doctors and their blind cult following look like fools (which they are). leave them behind with their sophisticated, high tech quackery while you get sick people well instead. learn hio method upper cervical correction and be a light in the darkness of medical failure.
2011-08-10 6:39 pm
Do you know what they call alternative medicine that's been proven to work?

2015-08-06 4:30 pm
This Site Might Help You.

I want to be a chiropractor, but people seem against it?
I love alternate medicine so please don't say that it's bad because it's not mainstream. What are the problems with it? People say that it hasn't been proven to have long term benefits, but at the same time it hasn't been proven to be dangerous to health.

I'd be good, go...
參考: chiropractor people it: https://tr.im/uDehL
2011-08-11 12:20 am
Well I'm 100% for you becoming a chiropractor....But then again I was 100% for this guy too http://chirotalk.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=careerchange&action=display&thread=5323 But I'm sure you will be fine...good luck!

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