
2011-08-11 4:21 am
3.The weight of Judy is measured as 43.0 kg, correct to the nearest 0.5 kg. For the measured weight, find
(a)the relative error,
(b)the percentage error, correct to 2 significant figures.

4.The weight of a canera is 1.25 kg, correct to the nearest 10 kg. Find
(a)the relative error,
(b)the percentage error.

回答 (2)

2011-08-11 7:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
3a) The relative error = 0.5/2 /43 = 0.25/43 = 1/172
3b) The percentage error = 1/172 x 100% = 0.581% (corr.to 3 s.f.)

第四條,我覺得有問題....... 1.25 kg 的相機,怎麼能 corr to 10kg?
4a) The relative error = 10/2 / 1.25 = 5/1.25 = 4kg
4b) The percentage error = 4 x 100% = 400%


2011-08-10 23:02:02 補充:
你 ---> 我 ,打錯了... sorry!
2011-08-11 7:20 am

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