Why don't British police use more force against rioters?

2011-08-09 3:02 pm
American cops would shoot and beat those thugs. The shop owners here would shoot looters too.

回答 (13)

2011-08-09 3:03 pm
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Normal British cops don't even carry guns...
They have to call special units for that.
Also it would give a national outcry if they wear using real bullets instead of rubber ones.

But if it gets worse they can call the military
2011-08-09 3:14 pm
The reason the riot started in the first place was because police shot someone...shooting them would just make it worse.

Know the full details before commenting.
And it is easy to get guns in this country.
2016-12-01 12:02 pm
confident, those human beings are not protesting for political exchange or greater freedom, they're looting and burning the residences and companies of regular regulation abiding human beings and the police could do all they might to in particular look after in the beginning those human beings and then their components. people who're rioting could be uncovered to what ever measures are mandatory to quit their present day strikes and verify their arrest, if which skill using truncheons, water cannons and tear gas then by skill of all skill. lots of the rioters have shown no regard for every person else's existence and by skill of taking such a stance they could anticipate equivalent medical care in return because of the fact for now violence is the only language those thugs seem to appreciate.
2011-08-11 12:03 am
Maybe a big group hug will make it all better. A real shame that people had their businesses destroyed while the cops stood around, but at least everyone is civilized.
2011-08-09 11:14 pm
All this rioting is nothing to do with any cause or grievance - it's a load of mindless kids causing misery because of greed and the need for excitement because they have nothing better to do. Never mind rubber bullets - the police should use real ones!
2011-08-09 3:50 pm
Our forces are armed but we use restraint in dealing with riots, which don't happen very often. The reason we don't have very many riots is precisely because the police show restraint.

That being said the scale of the riots last night has caused the police to take more robust approach. There will be plastic bullets tonight if riots break out again.

As much as I totally condemn the actions of these thugs, I think firing live ammunition into rioters is excessive force.
2011-08-09 3:39 pm
British law differs from that of other countries and due to our view on hostility and our firm belief in democracy, we will not allow force to be used on protesters (since it is their right to protest) However the police can utilize other tactics such as tear gas and tazers.
2011-08-09 3:12 pm
The problem was the lack of police numbers.

Killing people is uncivilised.
2011-08-09 4:39 pm
You've been watching too much TV. American and British police are required to quell a disturbance with the minimum amount of force necessary. The shootings and beatings your talking about are an exception and not the rule. You might be thinking of Libya where the military is killing the protesters indiscriminately. Civilized countries don't do that.
As for shop keepers shooting looters... the are subject to the law also and must justify their actions of not simply protecting their property, but also being in fear of their safety.
You need to know all the facts before you post.
I hope this answers your question.
2011-08-09 3:13 pm
I reckon it's 'cause if they get more aggressive,it'll only make people around them more aggressive, and therefore the situation will escalate. If you were really mad about something and somebody started shouting at you, wouldn't you just become more angry? The police are trying their best, but it's all happened so quickly, nobody really knows what to do and what'll work.

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