1句口語化左ge中文譯做英文~ 幫幫手^^

2011-08-10 6:59 am
開學之後我就冇時間online la~ 所以,襯放假要多d搵至得架嘛^^

回答 (6)

2011-08-11 3:55 pm

Once the school starts, I will have no time to go online. So, it's better to see each other more during the holiday.Once the school starts, I won't have time to go online anymore. So, let's meet as much as possible during the free time.Once the school starts, I will not have time to go online. So, do call me as much as possible during the holiday.

2011-08-11 07:58:54 補充:
You can pick whatever the combination is. They can be mix and match and have more or less the same meaning. Hope it will help. Enjoy your summer vacation!
2011-08-11 1:40 am
I have no time to online la when back to school so that it must play as more as possible.
2011-08-11 12:05 am
I will have less time online when the new semester starts so we should chat more during the Summer holiday.
2011-08-10 6:55 pm
After school I would not have time online la ~ So, lining a holiday to get to earn more than d rack Well
2011-08-10 8:04 am
I won't have that much time to go online after school starts, so I must chat with you more during this holiday.

pe that I can help you:D
參考: Myself~
2011-08-10 7:45 am
I won't have time to go online after a new academic year starts. Therefore, it's necessary for me to find more during summer holiday.

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