德輔道 Des Voeux Road 中的“Voeux"發音

2011-08-09 11:14 pm
如題,德輔道中(英語:Des Voeux Road Central)的Voeux 請問怎樣發音?謝。

回答 (4)

2011-08-10 12:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
德輔道 Des Voeux Road
is named after the 10th Governor of Hong Kong, Sir George William Des Vœux (a french name).

"Des Voeux" is also a French phrase, meaning "The Wishes".

It sounds like "地" "vur" --- [dei] [və:] as "ur" in fur, bur, turkey

2011-08-09 22:52:05 補充:
Jenkin: 法文中x是冇聲的---not true
It is just becasue you don't make sound for the last alphabet of a word in most of the cases; but there are exceptions, like dix [dis] (means ten).

2011-08-10 00:01:10 補充:
IPA symbol ~ /de/ /vø/ used in French Oxford Dictionary
/de/ very close to "地" (短速聲)
/vø/ very close to [və] v + schwa in English
參考: , French lessons, French lessons
2011-08-10 2:12 am


另外des的s亦是冇聲的,所以基本是de,而e在法文中是平"a"音的,不是高的「丫」音。個字有點像英文的the音。所以夾起來發音好像"the" "fo"。另外講開個法文x字母,順便介紹Grand Prix格蘭披治大賽這個詞,很多人會讀錯prix成prisee或當成price音,但其實x是冇聲的,所以pri的音好像英文pre,但尾音升高像yee/yi。下次澳門格蘭披治大賽選英文台聽聽主持講這名稱便更清楚了。
2017-03-15 4:59 pm
2016-11-04 3:12 am
Des Voeux Road

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