
2011-08-09 10:48 pm
She was in the water for two hours before the boat was able to reach her. _______ her only complaint was that she had lost her new coat.

A. After
B. Later
C. At last
D. In future

which of the options is correct?
C or A? And why?

回答 (1)

2011-08-10 12:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
She was in the water for two hours before the boat was able to reach her. At last her only complaint was that she had lost her new coat.

A. After
B. Later
C. At last (correct)
D. In future

"At last" is an abverbial phrase which means "finally". (an introductory adveb)
"After" cannot be used as an introductory adveb.

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