
2011-08-09 7:11 pm
The right figure shows a rectangular chocolate wafer with chocolate centre and biscuit coating above and below . The dimension of each layer is shown in the figure.


0.4cm :biscuit
0.2cm :chocolate
0.4cm :biscuit
長 :6cm
闊 :3cm

If there is 1m(3次方)of chocolate , how many wafers can be made at most?

回答 (1)

2011-08-10 7:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案

rectangular 係長方體,體積係 長x闊x高

因為而家有 1立方米朱古力,所以我地計左一塊餅乾要幾多朱古力先~

0.2 cm x 6 cm x 3 cm = 3.6 cm^3

要留意千祈唔好用 1 除 3.6 就算,因為單位唔同。

1 m = 100 cm => 1m^3 = 100 cm x 100 cm x 100cm = 1000000cm^3 (6個零)

所以整到咁多塊: 1000000/3.6 = 277777.777....


就梗係唔係啦,因為唔夠材料無得整半塊架麻! 偷工減料咩!

所以答案係 277777 pieces

條式係 1 m^3 / (0.2 cm x 6 cm x 3 cm)
= 1000000cm^3 / 3.6 cm^3
= 277777.777....

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