女保安員: 當值時段,穿著制服,神經失常, 在座頭高呼叫囂『投訴我呀!』 『交600元管理費, 好巴閉, 想點呀!』 『去消費者委員會投訴我呀!』
男保安員: 望住你, 以惡相對, 玩Nose糞, 問完再問, 幾多座, 幾多樓, 什麼單位, 聽唔到, 記唔到, 叫什麼太, 電話號碼, 再講過.
失職唔做足, 都算啦! 行出行入, 無故搵我來罵, 又要湊囡, 又要煮飯, 腳痛又番發, 天氣酷熱, 回來俾你罵。
你老人家, 明知你騙飯食, 算啦! 俾麻煩我, 死得啦你!!
如果你係我, 你會點做. . .
District: OHH, TSC III, TWS, Kln Property Mgmt: SG Security: Ms. FSL (Fat Por)
head office: pass msg to mgmt office
mgmt office: ignore, no response, nothing to do, just request you suffer, keep patient, i just can arrange techican to change your intercom call, i just can help you update the receiver name of mgmt fee, i just know play computer and issue memo.
district lawyer: i just organise activities and arrange transportation only
police: i can show up only consumer council: i just can keep file
HELP! HELP! Brainstorm, how to fight the traditional culture, face and solve problem. if you like and enjoy your living place
1) 鬧佢 佢好叻, 係管理處同事面地前扮無辜, 扮專業, 扮氣定神閒 2) 去保安處投訴佢 總公司, 上下包庇, 一黨又賤又粗的奸人, hea精, 玩嘢!!! 3) 試下同佢好好相處同傾計 冇計傾, 根本係相當無理的事, 追究到底 日日玩互拍, 有証有據, 方便各單位處理.