✔ 最佳答案
Normally when you're 12 yrs old or above and doesn't have any foundation of ballet, teacher will place you at 'ADULT CLASS' instead of children class, it will be difficult for you to join Grade 4 class immediately without any basic knowledge about ballet, unless you're gifted in ballet, flexibility is always required in ballet, and the higher grade you are, the more they require, some Grade 4 barre work such as Developpes, you've to spend time in practising them, you've to lift up your leg at least 50 degrees with a correct weight placement and position, I suggest you to ask your teacher which grade is the most suitable for you as a beginner, I believe they'll provide you the best suggestion.
吳湘霞芭蕾舞學校 is good, teachers are professional and they care about students very much, fees are also reasonable.
2011-08-08 20:47:23 補充:
At Adult Class, most of them do not follow the syllabus of Royal Academy of Dance Graded Examination, they teach according to your ability. During the first and second year, you'll mostly focus on the basic knowledge of ballet such as the five positions and arm positions, turn out etc.
2011-08-08 20:49:05 補充:
Teacher will start teaching you by their own syllabus/RAD syllabus, but few of them are going to take exams, just for keep fit/recreation purposes. So if you wanna have exams and get a certificate + detailed mark sheet, you could talk to your teacher and see if they could arrange you an exam or not.
2011-08-08 20:53:10 補充:
But still some of them teach according RAD syllabus in Adult Class, coz the students wanna have exam, maybe these classes suit your needs. Classes teaching RAD syllabus will be more compact, you'll learn more, teacher'll train you to be as perfect as possible to help you get better results in exam.
2011-08-08 20:59:53 補充:
I've sent you more info to your 'knowledge profile', please check!