Hundreds of.......

2011-08-08 11:14 pm
(1)Japan banned the sale of puffer fish liver in 1983 because _______ people had died from eating too much
of it or eating it by mistake.
A. hundred of B. a hundred of
C.hundreds of D. hundreds
Ans C....請解析

(2)Some long-haul drivers skip sleep and try to stay awake by drinking a lot of coffee, ________.
A.a substance reduces their awareness
B.their awareness might be reduced by this substance
C.which substance may reduce their awareness
D. a substance that may reduce their awareness

Ans D...請解析


是不是有 , 在前.就要用非限定的同位語?

更新2: 原文處於此No.20 所以應該沒有打錯,有疑義的空間


這裡的awareness會不會是指sleep awareness?


台灣煙酒回覆疑義要點: 選項中awareness除清醒程度外,亦有察覺之義。就本題而言,可譯為對周遭事物的察覺程度,因此文意上仍屬通順。

回答 (3)

2011-08-09 12:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1) Japan banned the sale of puffer fish liver in 1983 because _______ people had died from eating too much
of it or eating it by mistake.
A. hundred of B. a hundred of
C.hundreds of D. hundreds Ans C....請解析 解答:
該句後半部指出,日本禁售河豚魚肝的理由是「數百人不是因為食用太多就是誤食,而導致死亡」。 英文裏提到 「好幾打」、「數百人」、「幾千人」等「沒有很明確數字」的說法時,會分別用 dozens of + 複數名詞,hundreds of +複數名詞,thousands of +複數名詞等片語來表示。

在本句,只知有「數百人」,而不知究竟是兩百或是五百人等,就適用這個用法,也就是答案 C 的 hundreds of (people)。這個片語用法最易被忽略或弄錯的重點在於,dozens 、hundreds 、thousands 的尾端都要加上s。這也是為何 A. hundred of 會錯的原因 (hundred字尾漏了s)。 至於D. hundreds (people):英文沒有這種用法,所以是錯誤的選項。
那麼 B. a hundred of (people):像似要指「一百個人」是個很明確的數字,如果真是「一百個人」,那正確的說法是 a (或 one) hundred people而不是 a hundred of people;所以,本選項也是錯的。

(2)Some long-haul drivers skip sleep and try to stay awakeby drinking a lot of coffee, ________.
A. a substance reduces their awareness
B. their awareness might be reduced by this substance
C. which substance may reduce their awareness
D. a substance that may reduce their awareness

Ans D...請解析
該句後半部提到,「靠飲用大量的咖啡來提神」A. a substance reduces their awareness:「咖啡是一種會降低清醒度的東西」,該字意和咖啡功效完全相反,所以是錯的選項。
B. their awareness might be reduced by this substance,字意不僅和A.同,文法結構也不對。因為在coffee, 之後應該要緊接個形容詞片語,用來修飾 coffee並且補充有關它的進一步資訊,而不是提到另一個名詞awareness.
C. which substance may reduce their awareness:也是錯誤的選項,字意和關代結構都有誤。
D. a substance that may reduce (應該是increase 或enhance 等才對) their awareness:請檢查一下是否這一選項誤打成reduce?

只要這個字改成 increase 或enhance 等表示「增加、提升」清醒層度,論字意論關代結構,這都是最正確的選項。

2011-08-08 23:02:17 補充:

alertness 就澄清最後哪個選項的疑點了
2011-08-09 3:41 am
我在 修辭高峰會(旋元佑著) 看過完全一樣的句子,只不過他是寫alertness而非awareness。
2011-08-09 1:15 am

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