I want to get a dog...?

2011-08-08 2:45 am
Hey Guys so I really want a dog but my mom says we cant have it. She told me that since she works 7:30-6:30 nobody will walk her,play with her,or take care with her. I want a yellow Lab Retriever,but itll be hard not to get her fresh air everyday? Can I just walk her at night? Because my mom says you have to walk her in the morning,noon,and night since it's a bigger dog. Can you give me any advice how to take care of her? Thanks Everybody.! xoxo

回答 (11)

2011-08-08 2:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
if your mom is at work all day, and you are at school. what will happen to your dog is that it will become unsocial. you wont be able to train it because you will be gone, so it will be bad behaviored, even agressive. and then you will be tired of it and it will end up corrupted and living in a concrete box at a shelter untill it is put down because they have no space.
i am sorry i am so blunt.
but please dont get a dog unless you have the time to train it and care for it.
please 8]
參考: me, research, experience
2011-08-08 2:50 am
No dog will be happy home alone all that time. Listen to your mother. Dogs are family creatures and being alone is unnatural and they don't like it. If it goes on too long, they go a little crazy.
2016-10-18 12:33 am
to hold or fasten with a machine: "Watertight doors and hatches have been dropped into place and dogged all the way down to furnish the deliver finished watertight integrity" (Tom Clancy).
2011-08-08 3:28 am
dogs need to be taken out several times a day to pee at least

an energetic breed like a lab would need 2-3 good walks to meet its exercize needs too.
2011-08-08 3:01 am
Your mom has the final word, but you can show her you are responsible enough to have a dog, by making sure your homework is done, your room is clean, and helping out with other chores. Maybe check around to see if there is a 4-H club, or jr agility or flyball group in your area, that would help show your mom you are concerned about the dog getting enough exercise.

A dog can be walked at night, but if you are looking at a puppy, they not only need to go out morning noon and night, they need to go out every hour. Talk to you mom about adopting an adult dog from a shelter or rescue.
2011-08-08 2:57 am
a lab retriever needs lots of exercise at least two 30min walks a day. if no one is gonna play, walk, or take care of her dont get a dog because dogs need to be fed 2-3 times a day, groomed, trained, have exercise, have bathes, have there teeth brushed, lots of care and play and so much more. and you cant be lazy and say can i just walk her at night cause then your dog wont get the proper amount of exercise and will become obese and have many health issues. so dont get a dog if you dont have the time to take care of it.
2011-08-08 2:48 am
look for an inside dog
2011-08-08 2:54 am
a smaller dog would be best 4 u
2011-08-08 2:51 am
It would not work with a lab because they have lots of energy that needs to be released during daylight hours outside. I would look for more of an inside dog.
2011-08-08 2:49 am
i have a red setter as you may know they are very energetic i walk him every night and play with him and he is fine you dont need to walk him in the morning thats just stupid

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