Is there a difference between "Fitness is beauty." and "Being fit is beauty."?

2011-08-07 12:00 pm
Is there a difference in meaning between "Fitness is beauty." and "Being fit is beauty."?
Is the former one a correct sentence?


回答 (3)

2011-08-07 1:43 pm
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Usually, you would use a noun with a noun - both 'fitness' and 'beauty' are nouns so you could say one is the other, e.g. "Ignorance is bliss." "Being fit is beauty" does not sound correct. I wouldn't necessarily use "Fitness is beauty" though - rather "Fitness means beauty" or "brings beauty" - something along those lines?
2011-08-07 10:28 pm
Both are non-sensical. A better way of saying the same idea would be "Being fit is beautiful". (Noun-verb-predicate adjective)
2011-08-07 8:27 pm
They both sound stupid.

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