circular motion公式v=rw既問題..

2011-08-08 5:10 am
想問一條rod既圓形轉動可5可以用上面條式~?即係個rod既一邊fix左咁轉如果得既話...個r 係rod既length定不半????

回答 (1)

2011-08-08 6:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
Your quoted equation is a gneral equation connecting the angular velocity w with the linear velocity v. It can be applied in almost alll situations.

A rotating rod withe one end fixed will have all points on the rod rotating at the same angular velocity w. But the linear velocity v of a point on the rod depends on its distance from the axis of rotation (i.e. the fixed end of the rod). The linear velocity v increases proportionally with its distance r from the fixed end of the rod, as given by the equation v = rw

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