2011-08-07 11:43 pm

回答 (7)

2011-08-12 12:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
Finally. Rapunzel know the original drainage system missing left 18 years on both the Princess Drainage Drainage is very happy to see both his parents to return

B tour can make the canadian personal contact with our people. Really understand and feel how people live and buried h knows what we usually do.

參考: me
2011-08-10 12:41 am
Finally. Rapunzel knows she is missing a 18-year old princess and she is very happy to see back to her birth parents.
(最後.Rapunzel知道佢 原來就係 失蹤左 18年既 公主.佢 很開心去見返 佢既 親生父母)

B tour Canadians can make personal contact with our people. People really understand and feel how life and knows what we usually do.
(B tour 可以令到 加拿大人 親身接觸到我地 hk人.真正體會和感受到hk人點 生活.同埋 知道我地 平時會做d咩. ) ((但系我同你搞搞d口語,唔好care^__^")

[[high light咗個啲系口語]]
參考: Google字典+我的語文知識=]
2011-08-10 12:10 am
Finally, Rapunzel found out that she herself was the princess who had been missing for the last 18 years. She was so glad to reunite with her parents.

2011-08-09 16:18:59 補充:
B tour provides(provided) an opportunity for Canadians to meet Hong Kong people, to really experience and have a taste of the life of Hong Kong. Besides, they can(could) get to know what exactly we do everyday.
我唔知你呢個係發生左定未發生, 如果係好GENERAL咁講, 就用PROVIDES同CAN,如果係過去左既, 用括號入面既字
參考: myself
2011-08-10 12:05 am
1. Finally. Rapunzel know the original drainage system missing left 18 years on both the Princess Drainage Drainage is very happy to see both his parents to return

2. B tour can make personal contact with me to the canadian peopleto hk. Hk people really understand and feel the point of life to all child know that I will usually do what
2011-08-08 6:46 pm
After. Rapunzel know the original drainage system missing left 18 years on both the Princess Drainage Drainage both very happy to see his parents back
2011-08-08 1:13 am
Finally. Rapunzel knew that she is originally is missing left 18 year already princesses. She very happy sees returns to she already the birth parents
2011-08-07 11:55 pm
Eventually, Rapunzel realised that she was the princess who's been missing for 18 years. Delighted, she was able to reconnect with her parents

Hope that I can help you :D

2011-08-09 16:34:54 補充:
B tour allows Canadian to meet with Hong Kong, to trully experience the life in Hong Kong and get to understand what we would do in our daily life.
參考: Myself, MySeLf~

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