with the economy falls again...should i continue buying the hse i have put an offer on?

2011-08-06 10:26 pm
help, i really dont know wht to do. me and my partner put an offer to a hse in warsash southampton and we just had the bank valuate the hse and our solicitor to do searches. my mum n dad just advised me not to continue buying the hse and the hse price is going to drop again coz all the bad factors from all over the world. should i listen to them?? do u guys really think hse price is going to drop massive again? and the other thing that put me off buying the hse is when i put the postcode in the Upmystreet web site it siad this area is a low income area and ppl tend to own a low value second hand vehicle. should i listen to it?? how accurate is the web site??

p.s. we r in a very good primary school catchment area and warsash is known to be a ok posh area


thank you very much for all ur advices!!!!

回答 (4)

2011-08-07 8:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
you need to be grown up enough to make your own decisions. From your appalling written English, you appear to be about 12 and too young to buy a house.

prices are not going to crash.
2011-08-06 10:32 pm
simple answer,if in doubt,don't
2011-08-06 10:36 pm
f the economy; if you can afford it, buy it.
2011-08-06 11:50 pm
If you buy to hold, you could be in REAL trouble ( I'll give you my prediction below, but don't worry, you don't have to believe it ... as time will tell ).

BUT, if you want to buy to FLIP it to an End Buyer, you can pull the cash out and move on.

That's the ONLY thing that I advise people to do in this market.

If you need FLIP Funding, check the link below.

Ok, this isn't really MY prediction, but rather what I was told about 10 years ago by the ONLY Investor I listen to these days:

He said:

What is going to happen, nothing can stop.

The Dow is going to crash in 3 phases.

1st phase, the Dow will drop down into the 6,000s ( this has already happened )

2nd phase, the Dow will drop down into the 4,000s ( probably soon to come )

3rd phase, the Dow will drop down below 1,000, probably around 300.

Real Estate will lose up to 90% of Average Value. I believe we just went past 30% of lost Average Value, so there's a LONG way to go yet.

If you're laughing ( I don't blame you ), here's some background on the guy who I listen to.

Back in the 1970s, when the Dow had never been over 700 yet, he went public ( he likes going public and blowing people's minds ), and said "The Dow is going over 1,000."

Wall Street called him "a fool and an idiot".

Then, after the Dow went over 1,000, he went public again and said "The Dow is going over 4,000."

Again, Wall Street called him "A fool and an idiot!"

After the Dow had gone over 10,000, Wall Street was calling him "The Guru of Wall Street."

Well, now he's going public again saying "The Dow is going to go under 1,000.", and again, Wall Street is calling him "A fool and an idiot!"

We'll see, but I wouldn't advise betting against this man.

Best of luck to you.

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