Does true love happens only once?

2011-08-06 8:25 pm

回答 (19)

2011-08-06 9:06 pm
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every time we fall in love, we think its true love till our partner for a reason or another end this love.
true love is when the two partner love each other unconditionally and their eyes can only see their partner and no one else.
2011-08-06 8:27 pm
No. That's incredibly foolish to think so.
2011-08-06 8:26 pm
no, if that was true, i would be done for life
2011-08-06 8:30 pm
it could happen more then once
2011-08-06 8:26 pm
it can happen once and last for a life time . sometimes happen once.
2011-08-06 8:27 pm
Some people are easier to love... so no
2011-08-06 8:26 pm
2011-08-06 8:26 pm
I would say no.
2011-08-06 8:26 pm
2011-08-06 8:26 pm
Most likely...

2011-08-06 8:26 pm
I don't think so there are many people out there you know?

2011-08-06 8:30 pm
If you believe in true love then no :)
I loved this guy and he loved me but then he cheated on me :(
But now i have found this other guy... I sometimes feel like i still love my ex but when i think.. im glad he cheated on me :) Cause the guy im with... he is just amazing xD i love him more than i have loved anyone :D
Do what your heart tells you :) love can happen anywhere :) xxxxxxx
2011-08-07 3:22 am
No 
2011-08-06 9:35 pm
Yes, truly.
參考: Experience.
2011-08-06 9:15 pm
I wouldn't know... :) x
2011-08-06 9:03 pm
2011-08-06 8:49 pm
I don't think so
2011-08-06 8:27 pm
I don't believe in love, I never have , I never will> QUEENSRYCHE
2011-08-06 8:26 pm

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