What would you love to happen...?

2011-08-06 8:17 pm

回答 (26)

2011-08-06 10:09 pm
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I'd love to hear your voice and that British accent....even if were only to give me bloody hell.
2011-08-06 8:18 pm
For someone to get rid of the trolls. :) then we could have some fun again.
2011-08-06 8:19 pm
My bullies to apologise.
2011-08-06 8:19 pm
my life improve a little
2011-08-06 8:21 pm
world peace
2011-08-06 9:14 pm
An end to all cruelty and violence in the world
2011-08-06 8:49 pm
My dreams to come true!
2011-08-06 8:29 pm
That peace comes to the world
2011-08-06 8:22 pm
everyone to get along and stop killing eachother. And to end greed and meanness

thats all I want!
think how much better life would be
2011-08-06 8:19 pm
I would love to get to go to London
2011-08-06 8:20 pm
the paper boy to go down in my cellar
2011-08-06 8:18 pm

*doesn't wanna say or will get embarrassed* XD
2011-08-06 8:18 pm
get married....
2011-08-06 8:18 pm
I would love to have an awesome 9th grade football season. Then ill get hot girls
2011-08-06 8:22 pm
A miracle
2011-08-07 12:23 pm
Meeting HER..Celine...
2011-08-07 3:28 am
Can't admit it to myself so I am not going to broadcast it on YA's lol
2011-08-07 1:07 am
id really like to see the return of Jesus Christ
2011-08-06 8:43 pm
Getting to talk to my friend in Switzerland
2011-08-06 8:20 pm
be rich and famous and meet selena and GO TO NEW YORK! and for super ex to open again (im turning 9 in aug so yea) and be a member on spark city for free and fantage
2011-08-07 8:48 am
Me and you to go on a date. XXX HUH! HUH! HUH! :)
2011-08-06 8:29 pm
To be in a really serious relationship with the guy that i like... like one of those really perfect relationships. i know he likes me and i like him, but he doesnt want anything serious right now... i hope it happens :)
2011-08-06 8:27 pm
i would love to see my boyfriend right now. and maybe also tell my dad about him and hope he will be okay with it all :)
2011-08-06 8:19 pm
Well, winning the lottery would be nice. Having my mortgage paid off would be awesome.

Or, my ex-wife can get off her azz and work, so she can pay for that house that I'm paying for.
2011-08-06 8:18 pm
For me to find a decent boy who's not a *****
2011-08-06 8:18 pm

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