Would we be a good home for a rottweiler?

2011-08-06 7:51 pm

I rent a large cottage and land and my parents are the owners of the land. I'm a chiropractor and mostly work on horses and so am out in the farm a lot. I've never had a dog before, but have always wanted on and I've attented classes, and done a huge extent of research and worked at a kennels.

I'd like a dog that is my partner in means, one that can pull the sled that will have hay or straw on, and also come out on trail rides. I've been told a rottie would be good and i agree, but I'd like you opinion :)

Thank you x

回答 (4)

2011-08-06 7:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I don't know where you are but if you got one then you would have to be very selective about where you got the dog from, and would probably head straight for working lines to have the healthy body needed to do what you want.

However, if you head for working lines then you normally have a high drive dog which isn't so easy for a first time handler. No rottie is easy for a novice owner, but a high drive would really be a challenge.

I would be very careful of a rottie pulling a sled with hay / straw or going on trail rides. They are not as robust as you'd think.

They would need to be at least 18 months / 2 yrs before even considering this and quite honestly I wouldn't trust many to have the hips / elbows to manage this.

As for first time owner then you sound sensible enough to make that work but do ask for advice along the way.
2011-08-07 3:09 am
You will make a great dog owner and a Rottweiler would be e great dog for what your looking for. I am concerned however because the Rottweiler is such a powerful dog, and is not an easy dog for a first time owner. However, any dog that can do what your looking for is going to be a high energy dog and may be difficult for a first time owner. I say go for it...owning a dog certainly won't be as difficult as 7+ years of college. Just know that he may be a challenging when he's about 5 months old.

The cart pulling is a great idea but wait for all those bones to develop nice and strong...Of course I don't need to tell you about that do I?
參考: Professional Dog Trainer
2011-08-07 3:00 am
I have 3 of Them. And while They ARE Great Dogs, -I'm not so Sure that They are what You're looking for- as far as "sled pullers" are concerned !! They tend to be a little TOO hyper & impulsive- to be used as Draft Animals. Still, it sound like You have a good Lay-Out there, & know how to handle Dogs. So if you can Fore-go that ONE Aspect of Their Usage, I'm sure Yours would be a good Home for One... :)
參考: Experience.
2011-08-07 2:55 am
Of course! Any home is good, as long as you can take care of the dog =)

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