Guy asked me to marry him. I said no. He got super pissed. What should I do?

2011-08-06 6:51 pm
So I'm 17 an the guy is 18. He originally asked me to be his girlfriend but I said that I wanted to get to know him better before we took it any farther. He started saying that he loved me. And then he asked me to marry him. I said no and he got super pissed. He flipped out on me and said I was a worthless fat bit-ch and that no one but him was going to ask me to marry them. He kept going on and on. I told him to leave me the eff alone.
A few hours later he sent me this long text: "Marissa, where can I start your a really cool nice girl down to earth pretty easy to talk to which is really good. I know you love watching scary movies and shows. You like all kinds of music except rap, but you should listen to some rap you probably like it. I know you want to go to College and study biochemistry which is pretty cool. You also like playing cod which I think is sexy( don't judge me lol) you have friends, but only a few that are real. Your mixed with black and white which I call an Oreo lol. The thing that you like to do is hang out with friends and you also are pretty smart. Your 17 getting ready to go to college and I wish you luck I'm positive everything is going to go good for you. The only reason I'm saying this is because the other day you told me I hardly knew you, but that's something I wanted to get out of my chest. Now I want to deeply from the bottom of my heart apologize for what I said I admitted I was so dumb for telling you those things I was just mad. Your a beautiful girl like I said before and I mean it and don't let anybody tell you otherwise. I pretty sure you are going to find someone down the road that can show you their love better than I have:( I think you one of akind which they are hard to find and any man would feel lucky to have you as a wife. I didn't mean to hurt you at all I was just mad. I'm really sorry for what I said I hope you can forgive me."
He really hurt my feelings and we've gotten into arguments before and he's said mean stuff...

回答 (10)

2011-08-06 7:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I would tell your parents, because he sounds like a creepy stalker.
2011-08-06 7:09 pm
He said that these were all things he wanted to get off his chest. Well, he'd done that. Case closed.

Don't respond to him. Avoid all contact with him. He's unbalanced and you don't need to get tied up with someone like that. With this kind of guy, any minor display of kindness or friendliness will be blown completely out of proportion; he will read into your gesture of good will a lot more than you intend. Save yourself a lot of trouble and headache; steer clear of him at all costs.
2011-08-06 6:57 pm
He's horrible. Keep this text to show the police, it's prime bullshit and he knows it.

You are absolutely right to refuse him. Continue to tell him to leave you alone, he's clearly not right in the head.
2011-08-06 10:10 pm
He seriously sounds like a nut case! Stay away from him!
No man falls in love and proposes marriage that quickly unless he is a nut case!
The fact that you said no and he immediately got so mad and insulted you like he did shows he is mentally unstable and probably an abuser (mentally and later on would be physically abusive).
I strongly suggest you tell your entire family that this boy is crazy and has threatened you and that he is no longer allowed to come near you. If they see him at the front door they need to tell him to leave and contact the police.
Let all your friends know to call the police if he comes around asking about you. Text him today and tell him you are leaving for college soon and have decided you no longer want to see him. Tell him never to contact you again.
And never contact him again! Get a restraining order against him if he starts calling, texting/ harassing you.
2011-08-06 7:09 pm
You will look in 10 years and thank your lucky stars that you said no!
2011-08-06 7:06 pm
You were smart to say no. Marriages among people your age have a much higher rate of divorce than marriages among older people. Anyway if I were you I would stay away from this guy. He has big problems.
2011-08-06 7:06 pm
You are better off without him. Being verbally abusive usually leads to being physically abusive. Concentrate on your college studies and worry about marriage afterwards.
2011-08-06 7:07 pm
He is young you are young. Don't put too much stock into this guy. He does not know what he really wants in life yet. He thinks it is you but trust me when I say he is too immature to handle that type of commitment yet.

Be careful with him. Don't let him get too possessive of you. Go to school at some university and meet other boys let your life grow and let him grow. If there is anything that will develop down the road between you he will have to learn to wait. Otherwise you will grow and move on while he stays an obsessed little boy. in which case your better off without him.
2017-01-12 2:27 am
You can block his number and all his social media
2011-08-06 6:59 pm
SUE HIS ***!

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