how often should i work out for bigger muscles?

2011-08-06 3:14 pm
i am wondering how often should i train my muscles, i've been workin out straight for 4 days, and my muscles are gettin sturdy a little bit. But i heard some people says that dont need to work out everyday, because you need to let the muscles rest.

回答 (1)

2011-08-06 3:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
4 days a week is enough for exampls monday(chest and triceps) tuesday(no workout) wednesday(back and biceps) thursday(no workout) friday(legs) saturday (no workout) sunday (shoulders). this way you will keep your testosterone levels very high and it also gives your muscles time to recover if you are doing this the natural way, remember in fitness less is always more.

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