找機票問題(緊急) 20點
我趕緊開學, 要在8月18號/19號到美國密西根south bend airport,但係香港冇直飛,要先去芝加哥 o'hara機埸,再轉飛到south bend,我巳經去過旺角10間8間旅行社查詢,全部都話有機位,但係價錢變得好快,頭先先萬幾蚊變到4萬幾蚊,真係做唔到,請問仲有咩辦法?直接到航空公司買?如何可做到?總之我的目的地是密西根siuth bend airport.我需要一張單程機票(由香港飛至密西根south bend airport),另一張來回機票(由香港飛至密西根south bend airport,之後飛回香港). 即使要轉多次機都唔緊要,我要在8月18日的下午5點(美國時間)前到達.
回答 (3)
Right now, you don't have many choices.
The price is definitely not going to drop.
But here is still some hint for you:
1. Ask the travel agent to book it separately (HKG-ORD/ORD-SBN) and see if it will be cheaper.
2. Always try to buy Round-trip - it will end up cheaper than you buy 1 one-way and 1 round-trip (I don't know why you need some many tickets).
As always - you have the right not to use return.
找機票問題(緊急) ???
你果個係埠仔無直航的,要先去芝加哥 ,轉內陸機。明未?
收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:08:45
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