Should I do halloween costumes at 1 yr birthday party?

2011-08-05 1:17 pm
My kids bday is 27th, party is 29th (of October). They will be one (twins) I'm not doing anything real big or halloweenish but the colors are black & green & I wanted my husband & i & kids to wear our costumes. I was going to add a note in the envelope of invitations saying costumes are welcome. BUT is it a bad idea to have the kids wear their costumes to a bday party at a park? I mean they may get really dirty and then theres cake & other desserts and punch for the older kids..(toddlers 2-5ish)...probably lots of messesmaybe halloween costumes are not really appropriate? Please give me your input

回答 (7)

2011-08-05 1:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The kids will almost definitely get dirty. If you say "costumes are welcome or optional", many parents may feel obligated because they wouldn't want their kids to stand out or feel uncomfortable. If the invitees are friends or relatives, why not ask the parents how they feel about the "costume" idea, since it a fun though probably messy idea.

BTW, black and orange are generally the colors for Halloween.
2016-11-30 11:57 pm
particular, i think of you ought to! it could be large relaxing! of direction they had desire to come again, what youngster doesnt love a halloween birthday close eye party lol its like 3 right into a million! particular, see you later because of the fact the mothers and fathers arent too strict, i advise what discern doesnt enable their new child to bypass to a party each and every now and then?
2011-08-05 3:44 pm
i need some points cos i asked a question and they took 5 POINTS OF ME
2011-08-05 2:01 pm
I think it's a good idea. Most kids will love the chance to be able to wear their halloween costumes early. What you can do is provide some sort of wipes. This way if the kids get dirty the parents can wipe it off. Or you can suggest that if they do wear their halloween costumes (and the kids are toddlers) you can suggest that the parents bring a shirt that they can put over the costumes while they eat or bring in an extra pair of clothes they can change into.

And depending on the area you live in it's usually a hit or miss on the nice warm weather. So chances are the parents will have some sort of jacket/sweater on their kids so that can help protect the costumes
2011-08-05 1:32 pm
I would say costumes optional or just dress in halloween colors. Tell people they will get dirty so use their judgement. As far as 1 yr. Olds keep it simple as they won't understand anyway
2011-08-05 1:29 pm
Yes u should.
2011-08-05 1:22 pm
I really think you are on the right track. Kids are going to be kids. Happy bday to your child.

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