chem repulsion(斥力)問題

2011-08-06 12:56 am
bond pair electron-bond pair electron<lone pair electron-bond pair electron<lone pair electron-lone pair electron

如何睇出repulsion between lone pair elections and bond pair electrons同
repulsion between lone pair elections and bond electrons

另外,想知bond pair electron同bond electron既分別


點解bond pair repulsion愈大,bond angle愈大

回答 (1)

2011-08-09 7:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I always encourage students to "visualise" molecules when studying Chem.

1. bond pair = electron pair in covalent bond
e.g. in H-O-H, there are bond pair electrons in [O-H]
(the "-" represents two electrons in the covalent bond between [O] and [H]

2. lone pair = electron pair NOT in bonding
i.e. in H-O-H, there are two lone pairs in [O]

3. talking about the repulsions
imagine [O] is a sphere and electrons are moving in orbitals around it.
all the lone pairs and bond pairs are in n=2 shell,
but bond pair electrons are "shared" with [H]
making them farther from [O] nucleus.

As the electrons are more remote, repulsion is smaller.
(surface area of a bigger sphere is larger than a smaller sphere
while charges of electrons remain the same).

Therefore, repulsion is the weakest between bond pair- bond pair,
but strongest between lone pair - lone pair,
and that between lone pair - bond pair is intermediate, in general.

收錄日期: 2021-04-28 23:59:41
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