慘啦....最後一次會考英文都係肥佐, 我可以讀咩阿....

2011-08-05 9:55 am

我本來都係得5分, 中英文都肥佐....

今年只重考英文, 全1 除佐個speaking.....

我自己想讀工商管理/財務策劃, 請問大家我可以讀咩? 我自己錢唔係好多, 20萬度讀完都ok接受度....

回答 (4)

2011-08-06 2:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
you may try IGCSE, the result of IGCSE is equal to HKCEE

you can go to HKEAA website to see the details


Recognition and EquivalenceLondon Examinations, IGCSE / University of Cambridge, IGCSEGrade E or above in all HKALE A-level and AS-level subjects is recognized as equivalent to an A-level pass and an AS-level pass respectively in a British International GCE. Grade C or above in most HKCEE subjects is recognized as the equivalence of an O-level pass in a British International GCE. Given below is an equivalence table between HKCEE 2007 language subjects (i.e. English Language and Chinese Language) and British IGCSE: HKCEE levels5*543IGCSE gradesA*ABCThe Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) in the UK has included the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) in the UCAS Tariff system and the qualification is recognized as comparable to the British GCE A-level. For details, please click here. British GCSE, IGCSE and International GCE O-level are internationally recognized as being equivalent in standard in principle. In general, it is for individual users of qualifications to define their own threshold levels of performance for admission/recruitment purposes. As far as the HKEAA is concerned, for the purpose of meeting the HKALE entry requirements, a grade D or above in GCE O-level/GCSE/IGCSE is considered as satisfying the corresponding subject result requirement at grade E/Level 2 in the HKCEE subjects.
2011-08-05 8:58 pm
Certificate in Business Studies 商業學證書
It normally takes students 3 terms (12 months) to complete the programme on a part-time basis
Minimum Entry Requirements
1.Completion of Form 5; OR
2.Aged 18 or above.
Registration Validity Period: 30/06/2009 to 31/12/2012Diploma in Business Studies 商業學文憑
It normally takes students 3 terms (12 months) to complete the programme on a part-time basis
Minimum Entry Requirements
1.Holder of a relevant School of Continuing Education (SCE) Certificate or equivalent; OR...Advanced Diploma in Business Management 工商管理高級文憑
It normally takes students 6 terms (24 months) to complete the programme on a part-time basis
Minimum Entry Requirements
1.Holder of a relevant School of Continuing Education (SCE) Diploma or equivalent; OR...HKBU SELF-FINANCED COURSE
http://www.cie.hkbu.edu.hk/eng/selfFunded_programmes.php?option=3Bachelor of Commerce in Human Resources Management
This programme is offered by the Department of Management, Hong Kong Baptist University for holders of an associate degree or higher diploma in a business-related disciplines who wish to continue on to a Bachelor’s degree in human resources management.
A full-time day programme normally completed in 2 years

IVE 的四年制HD都未必上本地大學, BU 的SELF-FINANCED COURSE 當然收自己學生的HD 必然機會大好多, SELF-FINANCED COURSE 基本上合入學條件一定收.

2011-08-05 6:09 pm
我有朋友讀完TOP-UP DEGREE 既商業管理,3年半已經有一個澳洲排名 TOP TEN 既學士學位
[email protected]
參考: 自己同朋友經驗
2011-08-05 10:16 am



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