✔ 最佳答案
"我想同客講, 張order會系9/15完成, 想建意佢盡快走,但佢客期系10/1,因為如果張單10/1才走會收新價,如asap單(即9/15前走)仍然系舊價,否則會收新價。咁啱9/15完成, 但客要求10/1才走,但因為早前已傾好訂單9月15日或之前走系收舊價,但佢落單又要求10/1走是不能比舊價佢,所以建意佢9月15日走就避免左加價,如果佢唔ok 我地會收返新價ga.
仲有如果系夾柜ga訂單,我地會有2星期歡限比客,可在 9/30前走ga."
"The order will be ready on 15 Sept., but the customer's date is Oct, we suggest ship out the order ASAP to avoid the price increase. Otherwise we need to charge it in new price(price 2011-12).
We will allow the extension two more weeks for the consolidation orders(ship before September).
Pls advise it by return."
The above email can be written as:
With regard to the order of which the customer's date is originally Oct 1, we advise that it will be ready by Sept 15. As we agreed earlier that orders shipped on or before Sept 15 will be charged the old price, we suggest that shipment of this order be effected ASAP on Sept 15 the latest to avoid the price increase in accordance with the new 2011-12 price schedule.
Please also note that for consolidation orders, we will allow the extension of two weeks to the shipment date, i.e. before Sept 30.
Please advise us your decision by return email.
2011-08-09 11:32:04 補充:
Change "to avoid the price increase in accordance with the new 2011-12 price schedule"
to "to avoid the price increase due to the new 2011-12 price schedule." in the email.