✔ 最佳答案
1.major 2nd
2.perfect 4th
3.major 2nd
4.diminish 5th
5.minor 6th
6.major 7th
2011-08-04 11:48:13 補充:
1. minor 2nd
2011-08-04 11:49:45 補充:
1.major 2nd
3.augmented 2nd
2011-08-07 11:18:47 補充:
no imperfect,only imperfect cadence
C->A is major 6th cuz C major have C D E F G A B this 7 notes
C->Ab is minor 6th cuz C major have C D E F G A B this 7 notes no Ab the 6th note of C major is A , A 高Ab半度, SO MINOR 6TH
2011-08-07 11:19:01 補充:
C->Abb is diminish 6th cuz C major have C D E F G A B this 7 notes no Ab the 6th note of C major is A , A 高Abb 兩個半度, SO DIMINISH 6TH
2011-08-07 11:19:07 補充:
cuz the only have perfect augmented and diminish no minor
C->G is perfect 5th cuz C major have C D E F G A B this 7 notes
C->Gb is diminish 5th cuz C major have C D E F G A B this 7 notes no Gb the 5th note of C major is G , G 高Gb 半度, SO DIMINISH 6TH