What insight can you give on the following Grand Cross configuration?

2011-08-04 4:29 am
Mars(Libra) [Mars is at 0° Libra] in the 1st house oppose North Node(Aries) in the 7th house
Chiron(Gemini) in the 10th house oppose Neptune(Capricorn) in the 4th house
Mars squares Neptune, Neptune squares N.Node, N. Node squares Chiron, Chiron squares Mars

I happened upon this while studying charts, in my research on Chiron. So far I'm thinking that this dynamic works out in relationships. The native probably is too aggressive for their own good or feels guilty when they express their desires in relation to others. There is probably some issues with sex and sexuality. The native most likely keeps it locked away, feeling guilty when it comes (Chiron-Mars). But there is probably a strong need for partnership, or at least a desire for it (Chiron also aspects Venus), but fear of opening up and being hurt (Chiron-Neptune). What I can't seem to work out is the N.Node part of the equation.

Any insights would be appreciated.

回答 (4)

2011-08-04 6:36 am
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What I've learned or noticed as of lately is that Mars opposite North node tends to lash out in a way that doesn't sit well with others. A Mars square Neptune might give or sacrifice much but then becomes resentful, Mars opposite North Node lashes out in a way that's fed up and is not going to take it anymore, and it usually leaves the rest of his crew in the dust and confused as to what set the person off (out of nowhere.)
They were probably used to experiencing him as someone whose character was willing to sacrifice but then the person also tends to promise more than they can chew, spreads themselves thin, then apologizes too much for falling short and belittles themselves in this manner-
Which might irritate or annoy the people who might rather see him as just being himself and not over taking and hogging all the blame or responsibility for things, when it ends up to be more than he can chew. There's too much anxiety in that whole martyr victim complex role play. I have not even considered Chiron in my description but I imagine it adds to some wounded affect.
2011-08-04 4:51 am
that's not a grand cross...
2011-08-04 5:27 am
The North Node will always reflect a release of energy and with Mars a thrust towards the activation of energy near a current eclipse points. Energy in the houses of Cancer and Capricorn will be accelerated for activity.

Mars always activates and Eclipses bring in necessary energy and sometimes what looks like pain when aspecting the SN.. becomes necessary for growth towards the NN.

The Eclipses are corrections and the Sun Moon and Earth don't align for just a sky show.they bring in Big change. So study his chart to see where his life is changing rapidly...and what these changes are telling him.
2011-08-04 4:44 am
I wouldn't call this a Grand Cross.
I wouldn't use the Nodes, nor asteroids, nor the angles in considering an aspect configuration.

I would call this Mars-square-Neptune.
參考: Professionally-certified astrology (PMAFA, by the American Federation of Astrologers), 40 year's experience and daughter of an astrologer.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 18:45:21
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