
2011-08-03 11:36 pm
I have waited for the plane over 7 hours我用了七個小時來等候飛機. which seats do you prefer,window seat or aisle seat?你想坐那個位置,窗口定走廊位? we can estimate how much money we can spend.我們能夠估計花多少錢. I hope that agent can tell me what i have to be attention,what insurances i need to purchase.我希望經紀能對我講,我要注意什麼及買咩保險. 請幫我改以上英文.我這樣寫,對方會明白嗎?

回答 (4)

2011-08-04 6:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
I have waited for the plane over 7 hours
改:I have waited for the plane for seven hours.

which seats do you prefer,window seat or aisle seat?
改:Which seats do you prefer?The window seat
or other seat?

I hope that agent can tell me what i have to be attention,what insurances i need to purchase.
改:I hope the agent can tell me what I have
to pay attention and which insure I have to

Hope can help you!!!
2011-08-05 7:08 pm


2011-08-04 1:29 am
1.I have waited for the plane for over 7 hours
2.Which seat would you prefer,the window seat or the aisle seat?
3.We can guess/predict how much money we need to spend.
4.I hope that (my) agent will tell me what I have to pay attention to what insurances i need to purchase.
參考: Me
2011-08-04 12:21 am
I spent seven hours waiting for the plane.我用了七個小時來等候飛機. Which would you prefer, window or aisle seat?你想坐那個位置,窗口定走廊位?
We can estimate how much money we are going to spend.
我們能夠估計花多少錢. I hope the agent can tell me what I should be aware of and what type of insurance I should purchase.我希望經紀能對我講,我要注意什麼及買咩保險.

2011-08-03 16:23:55 補充:
I hope the agent can tell me what I should pay attention to and which type of insurance I should purchase.

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