香港公務員辭 職移民,60歲後有否醫療福利?

2011-08-03 6:05 pm
本人打算在54歲辭 職移民,(已在政府做滿25年,屬新 退 休 金 計 劃)。
想問 辭 職 人 員 在 60歲後,應取回退 休 金,到時,本人及妻子 有否醫療/牙科福利?

回答 (4)

2011-08-12 9:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
As 001 replied, only pensioners are eligible for mdeical benefits.

As you have joined the new pension scheme, you are eligible to apply for early retirement when you reach 55, that means you can apply for early retirement on your 54th birthday, a year before you reach 55. If you have considerable vacation leave accumulated, for maximum, you only need to serve half a year more, then you can start your migration life abroad immediately on the first date of your pre-retirement leave.

As in your case, I suggest you report your landing first and complete your stay at a later date you deem appropriate since the duration covers not more than a year. Besides, you know, the difference between resignation and retirement is quite obvious.
2011-08-05 2:12 am
...有, 不過要排市民隊- 電話號碼預約, 但免費!
2011-08-04 5:45 pm
即使係移o左民, 退休公務員都可以有醫療福利, 睇番公務員規例就知!
參考: civil services regulation
2011-08-03 8:36 pm

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