
2011-08-03 10:20 am

回答 (2)

2011-08-03 7:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Lovelution is a new word not found in the dictionaries yet. It means the "evolution of love".

中文意思是: "愛的萌生"。

The Urban Dictionary explains "Lovelution" as:
"The evolution of loving something or someone. Generally the realization that you know enough about something or someone that you have lusted over for some time to feel you actually love it."

2011-08-03 13:35:24 補充:
"愛的萌長" 比較好一點。
2011-08-03 1:57 pm
I think it's a misspelling. Is it LOVEVOLUTION? 是否串錯?

LOVEVOLUTION: a complex word of Love and evolution 愛的革命 或 以愛作革命

If not, sorry I can't help and please let me know the meaning also. I would love to learn it from you. Thanks

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