Is it a love poem

2011-08-03 6:24 am
The sun has burst the sky
Because I love you
And the river its banks.The sea laps the great rocks
Because I love you
And takes no heed of the moon dragging it away
And saying coldly 'Constancy is not for you'.
The blackbird fills the air
Because I love you
With spring and lawns and shadows falling on lawns.The people walk in the street and laugh
I love you
And far down the river ships sound their hooters
Crazy with joy because I love you.

Is it a love poem?Can I face it as the mother's love poem?

Please Ans ASAP

Ans Jason: Is it a mother's love poem?

回答 (2)

2011-08-03 8:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
This sounds like a love poem. Not just because the writer repeatedly saying "I love you" but throughout the whole poem, it describes how everything change because the writer loves his/her mate. I don't understand your last question. What do you mean by "Can I face it as the mother's love poem?"

2011-08-07 10:46:23 補充:
I believe you are asking "is it a poem expressing mother's love?"

My answer to this question would be no. Just simply have a look at the last sentence. The writer said "Crazy with joy because I love you" Normally mother's love would not be described with crazy but with warmth and happiness.

2011-08-07 10:49:29 補充:
Throughout the whole poem, it more looks like a poem between a young couple more than the love between parents and child.

Also, the atmosphere of the poem is quite positive. At least in the writer's side. Have a look at the 6th and 7th line

2011-08-07 10:50:46 補充:
And takes no heed of the moon dragging it away
And saying coldly 'Constancy is not for you'.

I don't think mothers will normally say to their kids "Constancy is not for you" . If that mother says so, the writer would not have written the poem in this way
2011-08-03 6:05 pm
I think this poem expresses the love given by the nature or the god.

Is it a mother's love poem? ?

ans: I don't think so.
參考: myself

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