
2011-08-03 5:39 am

回答 (3)

2011-08-12 6:23 pm
One day, as i was watching the "Discovery Channel" of the TV , about the caption of Powering the Future. The race to power our future starts now. At a time when the world's attention is sharply focused on our destructive dependence on fossil fuels, Discovery Channel delivers a thorough study of how we can transform our energy needs and what our energy future will look like. Hosted by Dr. M. Sanjayan,lead scientist at The Nature Conservancy. Powering the future is a four-part series that casts a look at the world of energy in the not-too-distant future and addresses the Earth's energy challenge from every possible angle.From economics and climate change to national security and global politics, energy is the driving force behind almost everything on the planet. As the crisis in the Gulf deepens, the ongoing ,but navigating the complex web of options is both complicated and confusing. The series will pull back the curtain to reveal humankind's quest for clean and alternative energy. In each episode, Dr. M. Sanjayan will explain where our energy could come from and how we can all strive to create a clean, limitless and secure supply of energy. The series puts energy on the global stage, establishes the goal of a sustainable clean energy supply and addresses the challenges, possibilities and solutions to powering cities of the future. Travelling to more than 30 different locations around the world from an offshore oil platform in Gulf of Mexico to the oil sands of Canada, and from Washington, DC to China, come meet the experts and people at the heart of this issue.
In regard to the Powering the Future, my opinion is that nowadays the wind-turbine generator has been an alternative energy generating machine which will create a clean, limitless and secure supply of energy. Therefore, the development of wind energy will play an important part in global temperatures and environments.
2011-08-12 5:55 am
Using wind power generate electricity can reduce environmental pollution. wind come from the natural. It is easy to use in our life. Wind power generate electricity cost is not experience, many country maybe use this way to replace petroleum erengy.
2011-08-03 1:38 pm
Eng: No pollution, unlimited power, increase employment opportunities
中文: 無污染,無限的發電,增加就業機會
參考: ME

收錄日期: 2021-04-27 13:26:40
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