Need help with Subwoofer and amp?

2011-08-01 8:13 pm
Okay so I have a 1989 jeep Cherokee. I just bought a 10 in kicker sub. It was a buy one get one free so I got the other one free. I want good bass but not a lot to where my jeep is shaking. I was wondering if I should just keep the other sub and put it in? If I need both instead of one? And also how many watts for the amp? I was told to get 300 but i can't decide what brand...? dual? legacy? Thanks!

回答 (2)

2011-08-01 8:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Kicker makes a variety of 10" subs ranging from 150w rms to around 1000w rms.

Since it was suggested you get a 300w amp my guess is you have the basic Comp 10's. Those are 150w rms each, and most likely 4 ohms.

Since those are lower power subs and you have the 2nd one on hand I would go ahead and use it.

Legacy is one of the lowest quality amps available and advertises power ratings it is no where near capable of meeting. Dual is better, but only slightly.

You should be looking for a mono amp that is around 300w rms at 2 ohms. Having a pair of 4 ohm subs allows you to wire them parallel for 2 ohms:

Some possibilities:

The subs will need a box as well:

Also an amp kit:
2011-08-02 3:33 am
get 500 watt amp if you want to power both of them any kicker amp will do beast

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