WHY do people think it's okay to not spay/neuter their pets?!?

2011-08-01 8:54 am
if you can't afford to spay/neuter, then you can't afford to own the animal. it's part of the cost of owning the animal. it is sheer irresponsibility. it is reckless. there is already an overabundance of animals all over this world because of "accidents." if you don't spay/neuter, animals in shelters are dying BECAUSE OF YOU.

annabel, animals being euthanized worldwide is cruel and unnatural. and i also don't believe that people should breed freely either. and other person, i think that emotion is what it takes sometimes, these people know the facts. they know them. a different approach is needed in this movement. and i really don't understand why the hell you wouldn't neuter your dog.. even being an inside dog (which seems unfair to me).. you shouldn't have to watch him every second. and i'm not really sure what's childish about my statement.. emotive, yes. childish, not really. definitely a rant, brought on the a girls post earlier who let her rat terrier get impregnated by her shar pei. there's some more dead dogs for ya.

回答 (8)

2011-08-01 10:14 am
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I do agree with you. Pet shops should really neuter their pets before selling them. There is mass overpopulation and so many poor animals put on death row because of it. But they don't. So I think pet owners do need to take responsibility and realise that:
a. they don't know how to breed responsibly. You have to know the bloodlines of the mother and father back many generations and thats impossible with most pets.
b. the new batch of pups/kittens may look cute at first but can you afford to keep all of them? Vet bills for so many pets? If you're adopting out, do you trust the people you're adopting out to will do the same?
c. overpopulation results in not only tons of pets thrown in the pound but endangers many native animals too. I own two domestic cats and love them to bits but I *know* they're pests and I *know* they do damage the environment.

Props to you for having the right idea ^^ Although I'd probably present it a little differently bahaha
2011-08-01 12:56 pm
there are some risks and benefits to spay and neuter. If someones done all their research and they make and EDUCATED decision to keep their dog intact.. there's nothing wrong with that, provided they are able to prevent an unwanted mating. Spay and neuter is not the only way to prevent a pregnancy! Many people responsibly keep intact dogs, and NEVER have a litter of pups!

Now if you have poor excuse like "cant afford".. I agree you cant really afford the pet, but if you can still make the steps to prevent a pregnancy, there's not really anything wrong with that either. You certainly have no buisiness supporting a litter of pups tho if you claim you cant afford a spay!
2011-08-01 9:05 am
Actually, I have plenty of money.

You see, he is a completely indoors dog. When he is outside, he is always within 5 feet of me. (It's called a leash). I understand that you are concerned with my dog impregnating someone, but understand this; the only way that would happen is if he breaks the leash, runs off, finds a female dog, and impregnates her by the time I catch up to him. I am not like other idiots who let their dogs roam free to wreak havoc on people and other dogs.

The only reason I ever thought of neutering him in the first place was to avoid possible aggression. But now, he is almost a year old. And thanks to proper socialization, training, and responsible ownership, he is an amazingly friendly, well-behaved dog.

Heck, I might neuter him soon, now that you reminded me. But not because of your childish rant.

Some advice; for future arguments, try not to sound like a little kid. Give statistical data, and don't display so much emotion.
2011-08-01 9:34 am
So ur sitting here ranting on and on about animals having "accidents"and why did u ask a question when u already knew the answer??? And every one wants animals to go to good homes and stay off the streets where they could get injured and sick and starved and this and that. when there is CHILDREN (ya our kind not an anima)l living on the streets starved abused and diseased so great job thinking about the cats and dogs beacause they are the ones we should be pouring money into.......... What if u were one of those kids would u be worried about cats and dogs getting spayed?
參考: My opinion
2011-08-01 8:56 am
what are you trying to prove though? Your still not going to stop anything with this forum like post (no offense).
2011-08-01 9:22 am
Why don't we sterilize humans that can't afford to have kids then?
I know with dogs, getting him fixed is more of a health issue with me. Dogs can get testicular cancer same as humans. I just can't bring myself to do it to him. It ain't about the money, it's about him loosing his doggie dignity. Walking around with no jewels to lick...that ain't right. I can see him now. Sitting down, raising a leg, having that look of 'what the...', and then staring at me. Then I wake up with chewed up furniture and poop in my boots.
2016-02-26 10:33 am
You must have done research when you bought your dog but too many do not. Many people believe that owning dogs should be learn a as you go experience and it should not be this way. There are several breeds that are not recognized by the AKC but they are recognized by other organizations so this is not an issue. I agree that not everyone needs to S/N their dogs but the majority should because they are not responsible enough to keep an intact dog from getting pregnant. I am glad that you realize that if you want to breed that the dogs should be health screened, tested for genetic diseases, temperament tested and conform to the standard but everyone does not do these things and these people should not breed because as you said our pets are not cash cows to be overbred. Like it or not there are too many people that breed without knowledge and breed solely to make money. They do not care about the dog or even bother to take it to the vet when something goes wrong before, during or after whelping. How do I know because I have seen too many questions from these types of people. You are also right about why there are so many shelter dogs but it is because of BYBs and puppymills that irresponsible owners can easily get more dogs that they will end up dumping. I do not know about you but if I were breeding dogs(which I do not) I would sit down and talk to any perspective new puppy buyer and if they told me stories about the dogs they had and they did not keep them for the duration of their lives or at least have a good reason they did not, they would not get one from me. If all breeders would screen their puppy buyers this would help stop the abandonment of so many dogs but this is the difference between a responsible person and one who is just looking to make money, responsible breeders will turn people down if they are not the right type of owners for the dog and a BYB and puppymill will sell to anyone with the cash, it does not matter to them how many dogs you have had and did not keep or whether you are the right type of owner for the breed. Also, it should not just be the opinion of the owner that gets to decide whether or not their dog should be bred, the dog should be worked and/or judged. I am sorry if you do not like that but everyone thinks their dog is great and right for breeding and many are not because they do not meet the standard and have the worst temperament. So at the same token if we do not find a way to stop just anyone from breeding what happens to the breeds that others put so much work into developing? When people have to come on this site to ask how to breed, how to make the dogs lock, when will the dog have her period, what is the right age for breeding, what to do when the b itch is whelping, or what to do because 24 hours have passed since labor started and the dog still has puppies inside but has not delivered them, how to care for the newborns, they should not be breeding because they do not have the knowledge they should posess to breed. Dogs are living breathing creatures and deserve to have knowledgeable, responsible owners that will not try to turn them into living ATMs. I also believe that when people come to YA with their volley of questions about breeding that it is safe to assume that they have no idea of what they are doing and that they are in fact BYBs or a puppymill wannabe. Responsible breeders would know where to gather information, would have help when they decided to breed their dog, have the money for a vet in case something goes wrong and would not research breeding here on YA. I see nothing wrong with breeding dogs *IF* it is done correctly.
2011-08-01 9:08 am
its cruel an not natural! how would you like it if someone did it to you? its not a matter of money with everyone !

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