English grammar question!!!

2011-08-02 7:28 am
UE 99 Proof read
"Why to buy a mountain bike if the cycling paths available are too far away or too short?"

--> The correct answer is to eliminate "to". So, the sentence is "why buy a mountain bike...... short?"

--> I think it looks a bit weird if "to" is cancelled, can anyone explains to me?? >< pls

回答 (4)

2011-08-02 5:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
why buy a mountain bike...... short?"
In spoken English, in native speakers, the speaker usually omit "do you" in a question because it is obvious that I am talking to you .
省略了 do you, 常用於英語對話之中
Why buy = Why do you buy.......?
= diagree with the action表不同意
Why not buy = Why don't you buy...?
= agree with the action / suggest that the action is recommended 表 agree or recommend
2011-08-02 5:51 pm


2011-08-02 5:29 pm

當表示某動作是不必要或無意義的時候,why後面可以與原形動詞(bare infinitive)連用,如:
Why argue with him? He'll never change his mind.
Why wait? Let's leave now.
Why worry? You can't do anything about it.


Why wait?=Why (do you) wait?

Why not relax and enjoy the atmosphere?= Why don't you relax and...

2011-08-02 8:09 am
"Why buy a mountain bike if the cycling paths available are too far away...?"

"Why" in this sentence is not being used to ask the reason, but to suggest that it is not necessary to buy a mountain bike. (反問,表示不必)

2011-08-02 23:56:28 補充:
Jc wrote:
In spoken English, in native speakers, the speaker usually omit "do you" in a question because it is obvious that I am talking to you .

Is it a fact or only your assumption? By native speakers, you mean American, British, South African, Australian, or Red Indian ?

2011-08-03 00:05:28 補充:
Your are right that "Why buy" is used to express disagreement on the action. Don't you think it won't represent a kind of sentence structure rather than a customary omission?

I have no idea but hope you can find out for us. Thanks.

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