
2011-08-02 4:04 am
(1) 已申請修改付款細節如下

(2) 已向銀行申請修改付款細節

(3) 已向銀行申請取消該電匯

回答 (4)

2011-08-02 5:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(1) 已申請修改付款細節如下
Application for the change of payment details has been submitted. Details is as following:

(2) 已向銀行申請修改付款細節
Application for changing the payment details has been submitted to bank.

(3) 已向銀行申請取消該電匯
Application for cancellation of TT has been submitted to bank
2011-08-05 8:37 am
Ling +1 , 其譯本OK!
2011-08-02 5:51 pm


2011-08-02 5:23 am
(1) 已申請修改付款細節如下
have submitted an application for amending the payment details as follows

(2) 已向銀行申請修改付款細節
have submitted an application to the bank for amending the payment details

(3) 已向銀行申請取消該電匯
have made a request to the bank for cancelling that remittance by telegraphic transfer

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