titration graph (urgent)

2011-08-02 2:48 am
0.1M solution of sodium hydroxide is added to 25 cm3 of 0.1 M hydrochloric acid, and the following graphs are obtained:


Can some1 explain the shape of the graphs about temperature and conductivity?


For the 1 regarding conductivity, salts(NaCl) are fromed, and there are Na+ and Cl- ions, why the conductivity decreases? And why about the 1 in dotted line?(CH3COOH) thanks

回答 (1)

2011-08-08 3:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
NaOH is added to HCl
做titration 一定要睇清楚邊樣放左係度先, 呢度就話HCl 係放係到.

pH 先係由低, 慢慢titration pH 就愈來愈高, 直至去番NaOH 既pH 就再不變.

temperature, 有neutralization 放heat, temp 上升, 去度咩都neutralise 哂, 再落cold 既NaOH, 佢凍番.

conductivity, 本來acid 好多ion, 但因為neutralize 時, H+ 同OH- 結合而少左ion, conductivity 低左, 過左end point, 再落NaOH, 就會多番d ion, conductivity 再升
參考: 自己 俾分我la

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