英文作文(20 點)

2011-07-31 10:33 pm
A Picnic
1.Where did you go on the picnic?
2.Who went with you?
3.How did you go there?
4.How was the weather on that day?
5.What kind of food did you have?
6.What kind of games did you play there?
7.What happened to you on that day?

回答 (2)

2011-08-02 9:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Last year,I had my school picnic in Tai o Mun.My classmate,my form teacher Mr Tai and Mr Wong and some other form one students and teachers came with me.We went there by bus.The weather was excately good.It was a bit windy,made us cool,and a bit sunny,made us smiled.We had barbacue there.We grouped in five students.And we shared our place with another group's students.
After we played the games,we looked after our 'kingdom'.Andother school's high form came to our barbacue site and said"Excuse me.We have so much group members in our barbacue site.Some of them need to stand and no more sits for them.Your group have just a few students,Our site is enough for you.Would you exchange yoour site to us,please?"
At that time,only I and Carmen in the site.We were afraid of them and agreed.Soon,another group members arrived.They agrued with the another students.At last,Mr Wong disagred their suggestion.The students left.
We sit comfortably under sunshine.we enjoyed thefood,including chicken wings,food balls,biscuts,etc very much.We took some of the food to other teacher.At last,some of my classmate ate our chicken wings!I felt angry but I didn't compain.
I felt happy but tired after the picnic.
2011-07-31 11:38 pm
Mum and I went to Tai Po Waterfront Park last Saturday.
We went to there by bus. It was a fine day.
We brought sandwiches and fruits. We played hide and seek.
Nothing special happened, but one memorable experience.
參考: me

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