What would u think about this .?

2011-07-31 4:16 am
I talk. To my boyfriend barly an then he says he's sleeping like day then at night when I text he doesn't text back and when he texts me saying can u come over then only wants to **** me

回答 (9)

2011-07-31 4:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
Lol i totally know how you feel!!! My bf does that too it makes me feel sad that he doesn't have that much time for me :(
Well i love him lots and i will never leave him cause i know its not his fault its because he has so much to do that he gets so tired
2011-07-31 11:21 am
sounds to me like youre being used.
2011-07-31 11:21 am
You have just learned and important lesson. You can be used for sex. He has no real interest in you, nor does he have any real concern for your well being. Drop this relationship.
2011-07-31 11:21 am
let him go he's just using you for sex. you should tell him you feel used and you're done and that he should continue to mess with his other females on that level that he seem to have
2011-07-31 11:20 am
I think your "boyfriend" sees an easy screw in an illiterate boy.

That's right, you're both gay.
參考: Avid shooter/Experienced Machinist/My GayDar is PINGING.
2011-07-31 11:18 am
Yeah, I wouldn't say he's being much of a boyfriend. It seems pretty clear he wants you just for action and sex, so unless you're chill with that then I'd break it off. You deserve someone who actually wants to be your boyfriend and will treat you like you deserve, :)
2011-07-31 11:17 am
I don't know how old both of you are but that is definitely using you, at least he cares more about his desire than you, and that's a fact.
2011-07-31 11:17 am
Sorry, dear. You're a booty call. Lose the loser.
2011-07-31 11:17 am
probably not in love with you, just wants a **** buddy but to nice to say it or doesn't know how :/ leave him. ANYONE could do better, including you

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