"Before I come" or "Before I came"?

2011-07-31 2:26 am
Say I left from one country to another, from A to B. Now I'm in country B, do I say "before I came to country B, I forgot to cancel my mobile contract." or before I come?

回答 (4)

2011-07-31 2:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
You would say "before I came" in that situation.

If you were to say something about going to country B in the future, you would say "come"

for example:
"After I come to country B, I am going to cancel my mobile contract."
2016-10-15 10:52 pm
Came Come
2011-07-31 2:28 am
before i came is saying your there already but your thinking back to when you werent, before you come is your still in country A and planning on going to country B
2011-07-31 2:27 am
Before I came, the other one is talking about the future.

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