
2011-07-29 11:35 am
我有個fd比人打,佢報左警,話我當時在場,又話我係主謀叫人打佢,宜家d警察叫我去落份口供,我去唔去好?我聽我其他fd話上到去d警察一定逼你認罪,同埋唔認就會用私刑咁...d警察係約我,我有咩方法可以唔上去又唔怕搞大單野? 扮病? 我個fd同我不嬲都唔岩嘅,佢以為係我叫人打佢...

宜家我同佢傾返,佢都話真係唔怪我事怪錯左我,我又去左落口供,咁樣可唔可以消案? 佢宜家又話唔想搞大單野.......

回答 (5)

2011-07-29 5:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案

2011-08-03 20:26:06 補充:
2011-08-12 7:23 pm
2011-08-01 4:17 pm
2011-08-01 3:56 pm
2011-07-29 8:06 pm
It is up to you if you want to go - as in theory, no one can provide any legal advice to you except your lawyer.

But if I were in that situation, I will tell the police that I will choose not to go - unless they are going to arrest me.

Here are my reasons:

1. I can effectively avoid saying anything incriminating myself during the interview.

2. I can effectively estimate where I am at in this case - For example, if the police has enough evidence, they will not ask me for an interview - but they will simply arrest me. So I will be able to tell based on the police's action to know if I am a person of interest or suspect.

3. If I am officially arrested, it is my right to request a lawyer to be presented when I am interviewed. But if you simply go, I can't unless I hired one.

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