What does "I balls you" mean?

2011-07-29 2:13 am
People tell Blake Shelton that they balls him all the time and he say that back I wonder what that means.. Does it mean they love him? And he loves us back.., thank you:)

回答 (3)

2011-08-06 1:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
I've been wondering that also. So I looked around and couldn't find the answer. Then finally I came across a picture that he captioned I Balls you too! The picture was of someone holding their phone and the screen said I <3 You. The <3, which is supposed to be a heart, looks like balls. So therefore I balls you!
2011-08-04 10:01 am
Ball Up
Ball your fist up, and lightly "bop" the bottom, or soft part of it, on someone's forehead after saying the words, "Ball up!" it's a verbal and physical response to someone who fails/messes up/is just plain wrong/ or does something stupid when trying to make themselves look cool or smart. Some people even say, "bink!" while simultaneously applying the forehead bop.
2011-07-29 9:31 am
Let me try to answer your question

"Ball" here is a verb, meaning forming something into a ball

We can say...

"I balled up the paper and threw it into the rubbish bin"

"He balled his fists angrily"

So, I don't think "ball" in "I balls you" means "love"

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